Recenti pubblicazioni dei membri del Comitato Scientifico

Di seguito si propone una selezione di alcune recenti pubblicazioni dei membri del comitato scientifico.


  • Alaimo L.S., Maggino F. (2020). Sustainable Development Goals Indicators at Territorial Level: Conceptual and Methodological Issues—The Italian Perspective. Social Indicators Research, 147(2): 383-419.
  • Bruzzi C., Ivaldi E., Musso E., Penco L. (2020). The role of knowledge city features in nurturing entrepreneurship: Evidence from EU cities. Urban Book Series, 53-76.
  • Burlando C., Ivaldi E., Parra Saiani P., Penco L. (2020). To own or not to own? Car ownership and consumer awareness: Evidence from an Italian survey. Research in Transportation Business and Management, (in press)
  • Ivaldi E., Penco L., Isola G., Musso E. (2020). Smart Sustainable Cities and the Urban Knowledge-Based Economy: A NUTS3 Level Analysis. Social Indicators Research, (in press)
  • Penco L., Ivaldi E., Bruzzi C., Musso E. (2020). Knowledge-based urban environments and entrepreneurship: Inside EU cities. Cities, 96 (in press)


  • Alaimo L.S., di Bella E., Maggino F., Nanni G. (2019). Misurare l'uguaglianza di Genere. Un'analisi regionale per l'Italia. Genova University Press.
  • Alaimo L.S., Solivetti L.M. (2019). Territorial Determinants of the Brexit Vote. Social Indicators Research, 144(2): 647-667.
  • Alongi M., Sillani S., Lagazio C., Manzocco L. (2019). Effect of expiry date communication on acceptability and waste of fresh-cut lettuce during storage at different temperatures. Food Research International, 116: 1121-1125.
  • Arcagni A., Barbiano di Belgiojoso E., Fattore M., Rimoldi S.M.L. (2019). Multidimensional Analysis of Deprivation and Fragility Patterns of Migrants in Lombardy, Using Partially Ordered Sets and Self-Organizing Maps. Social Indicators Research, 141(2): 551-579.
  • Ardu S., Rossier I., di Bella E., Krejci I., Dietschi D. (2019). Resin composite thickness’ influence on L*a*b* coordinates and translucency. Clinical Oral Investigations, 23(4): 1583-1586.
  • Barrios S., Coda Moscarola F., Figari F., Gandullia L. (2019). Size and distributional pattern of pension-related tax expenditures in European countries. International Tax and Public Finance, (in press).
  • Barrios S., Coda Moscarola F., Figari F., Gandullia L., Riscado S. (2019). The fiscal and equity impact of social tax expenditures in the EU. Journal of European Social Policy, (in press).
  • Bruzzi C., Ivaldi E., Landi S. (2019). Non-compensatory aggregation method to measure social and material deprivation in an urban area: relationship with premature mortality. European Journal of Health Economics, (in press).
  • Duc O., di Bella E., Krejci I., Betrisey E., Abdelaziz M., Ardu S. (2019). Staining susceptibility of resin composite materials. American Journal of Dentistry, 32(1): 39-42.
  • Facioni C., Corazziari I., Maggino F. (2019). Measuring uncertainties: A theoretical approach. International Journal of Computational Economics and Econometrics, 9(1-2): 5-28.
  • Fattore M., Arcagni A. (2019). F-FOD: Fuzzy First Order Dominance Analysis and Populations Ranking Over Ordinal Multi-Indicator Systems. Social Indicators Research, 144(1).
  • Fiore M., Alaimo L.S., Chkhartishvil N. (2019). The amazing bond among wine consumption, health and hedonistic well-being. British Food Journal, (in press).
  • Gandullia L. (2019). The price elasticity of warm-glow giving. Economics Letters, 182: 30-32.
  • Gandullia L., Leporatti L. (2019). Distributional effects of gambling taxes: empirical evidence from Italy. Journal of Economic Inequality, 17(4): 565-590.
  • Gandullia L., Leporatti L. (2019). Subnational fiscal balance, interregional redistribution and risk-sharing in Italy. Regional Studies, (in press).
  • Gandullia L., Piserà S. (2019). Do income taxes affect corporate social responsibility? Evidence from European-listed companies. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, (in press).
  • Iacopetti G., Bussotti F., Selvi F., Maggino F., Pollastrini M. (2019). Forest ecological heterogeneity determines contrasting relationships between crown defoliation and tree diversity. Forest Ecology and Management, 448(): 321-329.
  • Levaggi R., Montefiori M., Persico L. (2019). Speeding up the clinical pathways by accessing emergency departments. European Journal of Health Economics, (in press).
  • Mazziotta M. (2019). Socio-Economic Indicators for Measuring the Well-Being of Italian Municipalities. Scienze Regionali, 18(Special Issue): 633-650.
  • Mazziotta M., Pareto A. (2019). Use and Misuse of PCA for Measuring Well-Being. Social Indicators Research, 142(2): 451-476.
  • Penco L., Ivaldi E., Bruzzi C., Musso E. (2019). Entrepreneurship and the cities in a knowledge-based perspective: evidences from EU. EuroMed Journal of Business, 14(3): 189-208.
  • Santagata M., Ivaldi E., Soliani R. (2019). Development and Governance in the Ex-Soviet Union: An Empirical Inquiry. Social Indicators Research, 141(1): 157-190.


  • Ardu S., Duc O., di Bella E., Krejci I., Daher R. (2018). Color stability of different composite resins after polishing. Odontology, 106(3): 328-333.
  • Ardu S., Varatharaju V., di Bella E., Rossier I., Krejci I. (2018). Protection against discolouration by two over-the counter desensitising products. Oral Health and Preventive Dentistry, 16(5): 439-444.
  • Bussotti F., Feducci M., Iacopetti G., Maggino F., Pollastrini M., Selvi F. (2018). Linking forest diversity and tree health: preliminary insights from a large-scale survey in Italy. Forest Ecosystems, 5(1).
  • Clemente G.P., Fattore M., Grassi R. (2018). Structural comparisons of networks and model-based detection of small-worldness. Journal of Economic Interaction and Coordination, 13(1): 117-141.
  • di Bella E., Gandullia L., Leporatti L., Montefiori M., Orcamo P. (2018). Ranking and Prioritization of Emergency Departments Based on Multi-indicator Systems. Social Indicators Research, 136(3): 1089-1107.
  • di Bella E., Krejci I., Ardu S., Leporatti L., Montefiori M. (2018). What should we expect from Switzerland's compulsory dental insurance reform?. BMC Health Services Research, 18(1).
  • di Bella E., Leporatti L., Maggino F. (2018). Big Data and Social Indicators: Actual Trends and New Perspectives. Social Indicators Research, 135(3): 869-878.
  • Fattore M., Arcagni A. (2018). A Reduced Posetic Approach to the Measurement of Multidimensional Ordinal Deprivation. Social Indicators Research, 136(3): 1053-1070.
  • Fattore M., Maggino F. (2018). Some Considerations on Well-Being Evaluation Procedures, Taking the Cue from “Exploring Multidimensional Well-Being in Switzerland: Comparing Three Synthesizing Approaches”. Social Indicators Research, 137(1): 83-91.
  • Fattore M., Pelagatti M., Vittadini G. (2018). A least squares approach to latent variables extraction in formative–reflective models. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 120: 84-97.
  • Figari F., Gandullia L., Lezzi E. (2018). Marginal Cost of Public Funds: From the Theory to the Empirical Application for the Evaluation of the Efficiency of the Tax-Benefit Systems. B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy, 18(4).
  • Gandullia L., Leporatti L. (2018). The demand for gambling in Italian regions and its distributional consequences. Papers in Regional Science, 97(4): 1203-1225.
  • Gandullia L., Lezzi E. (2018). The price elasticity of charitable giving: New experimental evidence. Economics Letters, 173: 88-91.
  • Ivaldi E., Bonatti G., Soliani R. (2018). Objective and Subjective Health: An Analysis of Inequality for the European Union. Social Indicators Research, 138(3): 1279-1295.
  • Ivaldi E., Bruzzi C., Soliani R. (2018). A Non-compensative Index for Country Risk in OECD Countries. Contributions to Management Science, 455-471.
  • Ivaldi E., Saiani P.P. (2018). Health inequalities between Italian regions. What is the relationship with GDP per capita? [Le disuguaglianze di salute tra le regioni italiane. Quale relazione con il PIL procapite?]. Salute e Societa, 17(3): 137-150.
  • Lagazio C., Querci F. (2018). Exploring the multi-sided nature of crowdfunding campaign success. Journal of Business Research, 90: 318-324.
  • Lagazio C., Vidoni P. (2018). Calibrated prediction regions for Gaussian random fields. Environmetrics, 29(3).
  • Landi S., Ivaldi E., Testi A. (2018). Measuring Change Over Time in Socio-economic Deprivation and Health in an Urban Context: The Case Study of Genoa. Social Indicators Research, 139(2): 745-785.
  • Landi S., Ivaldi E., Testi A. (2018). Socioeconomic status and waiting times for health services: An international literature review and evidence from the Italian National Health System. Health Policy, 122(4): 334-351.
  • Mauro V., Biggeri M., Maggino F. (2018). Measuring and Monitoring Poverty and Well-Being: A New Approach for the Synthesis of Multidimensionality. Social Indicators Research, 135(1): 75-89.
  • Mazziotta M., Pareto A. (2018). Measuring Well-Being Over Time: The Adjusted Mazziotta–Pareto Index Versus Other Non-compensatory Indices. Social Indicators Research, 136(3): 967-976.
  • Parra Saiani P. (2018). Doing Sociology in the Age of ‘Evidence-Based Research’: Scientific Epistemology versus Political Dominance. American Sociologist, 49(1): 80-97.
  • Sabbadini L.L., Maggino F. (2018). Quality of Life in Italian Official Surveys. Social Indicators Research, 135(3): 1043-1055.
  • Stigliani S., Morandi F., Persico L., Lagazio C., Erminio G., Scaruffi P., Corrias M.V. (2018). miRNA expression profile of bone marrow resident cells from children with neuroblastoma is not significantly different from that of healthy children. Oncotarget, 9(27): 19014-19025.


  • Ardu S., Duc O., di Bella E., Krejci I. (2017). Color stability of recent composite resins. Odontology, 105(1): 29-35.
  • Bonatti G., Ivaldi E., Soliani R. (2017). Quality of life in Italian cities: A temporal comparison between before the crisis and after. International Journal of Social Economics, 44(4): 560-574.
  • Burlando C., Ivaldi E. (2017). Perceived quality of urban public transport: Use and willingness to pay in Italian regions. International Journal of Transport Economics, 44(3): 473-490.
  • Carugno M., Lagazio C., Baccini M., Consonni D., Bertazzi P.A., Biggeri A. (2017). Fine airborne particles: when alarming levels are the standard. Public Health, 143: 8-13.
  • D'Agostino M., Martino F., Sileno S., Barillà F., Beji S., Marchetti L., Gangi F.M., Persico L., Picozza M., Montali A., Martino E., Zanoni C., Avitabile D., Parrotto S., Capogrossi M.C., Magenta A. (2017). Circulating miR-200c is up-regulated in paediatric patients with familial hypercholesterolaemia and correlates with miR-33a/b levels: Implication of a ZEB1-dependent mechanism. Clinical Science, 131(18): 2397-2408.
  • di Bella E., Corsi M., Leporatti L., Persico L. (2017). The spatial configuration of urban crime environments and statistical modeling. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science, 44(4): 647-667.
  • di Bella E., Leporatti L., Montefiori M., Krejci I., Ardu S. (2017). Popular initiatives in 2014–2016 call for the introduction of mandatory dental care insurance in Switzerland: The contrasting positions at stake. Health Policy, 121(6): 575-581.
  • Di Biagio A., Ameri M., Sirello D., Cenderello G., di Bella E., Taramasso L., Giannini B., Giacomini M., Viscoli C., Cassola G., Montefiori M. (2017). Is it still worthwhile to perform quarterly cd4+ t lymphocyte cell counts on hiv-1 infected stable patients?. BMC Infectious Diseases, 17(1).
  • Fabbrizzi S., Maggino F., Marinelli N., Menghini S., Ricci C., Sacchelli S. (2017). Sustainability: A quantitative discourse analysis. Rivista di Studi sulla Sostenibilità, 2017(1): 11-25.
  • Ivaldi E., Bonatti G., Soliani R. (2017). An Indicator for the Measurement of Political Participation: The Case of Italy. Social Indicators Research, 132(2): 605-620.
  • Ivaldi E., Soliani R., Ugolini G.M. (2017). Shipbuilding in Italy at the end of the crisis: Is there a road to recovery?. Contributions to Economics, 603-614.
  • Ivaldi E., Soliani R., Ugolini G.M. (2017). The effects of the crisis on nautical tourism: An analysis of the Italian situation regarding port features, linked economic activities and taxation. Contributions to Economics, 587-601.
  • Maggino F., Facioni C. (2017). Measuring Stability and Change: Methodological Issues in Quality of Life studies. Social Indicators Research, 130(1): 161-187.
  • Manzocco L., Alongi M., Lagazio C., Sillani S., Nicoli M.C. (2017). Effect of temperature in domestic refrigerators on fresh-cut Iceberg salad quality and waste. Food Research International, 102: 129-135.
  • Manzocco L., Valoppi F., Lagazio C., Calligaris S., Anese M., Nicoli M.C. (2017). Shelf life validation by monitoring food on the market: The case study of sliced white bread. Italian Journal of Food Science, 29(1): 100-111.
  • Montefiori M., di Bella E., Leporatti L., Petralia P. (2017). Robustness and Effectiveness of the Triage System in the Pediatric Context. Applied Health Economics and Health Policy, 15(6): 795-803.
  • Morandi F., Barco S., Stigliani S., Croce M., Persico L., Lagazio C., Scuderi F., Belli M.L., Montera M., Cangemi G., Pozzi S., Rigo V., Scaruffi P., Amoroso L., Erminio G., Pistoia V., Ferrini S., Corrias M.V. (2017). Altered erythropoiesis and decreased number of erythrocytes in children with neuroblastoma. Oncotarget, 8(32): 53194-53209.
  • Peressini D., Braunstein D., Page J.H., Strybulevych A., Lagazio C., Scanlon M.G. (2017). Relation between ultrasonic properties, rheology and baking quality for bread doughs of widely differing formulation. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 97(8): 2366-2374.
  • Satta G., Notteboom T., Parola F., Persico L. (2017). Determinants of the long-term performance of initial public offerings (IPOs) in the port industry. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 103: 135-153.